Exploring March MATness

March MATness is my favorite time of year. I enjoy promoting the mat exercises because you take these with you anywhere! The only equipment needed is a mat. Some exercises can be done standing if laying on the floor is difficult. With a little knowledge and creativity you can practice anytime!  Do you wonder whyContinueContinue reading “Exploring March MATness”

Core Strength

The definition of core is the central or most important part of something. Think of the Earth’s core and how there are many many layers surrounding the core. In the body we have many muscles attached at our core.  Core strength means more than abdominal strength. If we took our body and looked at itContinueContinue reading “Core Strength”

The Pilates Journey

We start Pilates at our own beginning level. Pilates welcomes all levels and all people. The journey begins when doing Pilates for the first time, after taking a break, or working with a new instructor, or going to a new studio. The day you start Pilates will be the comparison you look back on in 10ContinueContinue reading “The Pilates Journey”

Goodbye Training Wheels!

A Pilates practice starts at different levels and ranges from beginner to novice to intermediate. When starting Pilates the progress begins quickly and changes happen within the first ten sessions! Pilates is exciting and difficult at the same time. Everything feels hard, new and sometimes you feel exhausted by the end or not ready toContinueContinue reading “Goodbye Training Wheels!”

Flexible in Mind and Body

Have you thought “I’m not flexible enough to do Pilates”? The truth is you don’t need to be flexible to start Pilates. Pilates helps increase your flexibility. Our mind will help increase our flexibility. With the current workplace to being more technical, sitting, and stationary, exercises like Pilates improve our flexibility and strengthen our weakerContinueContinue reading “Flexible in Mind and Body”

Pilates Anywhere

Have you watched an exercise video and followed along wondering if you were doing it correctly? Or been in a class and looked at yourself in the mirror to check your form? Technology is changing and improving and so are the ways to teach Pilates to others. Pilates Anytime is a great website with lotsContinueContinue reading “Pilates Anywhere”

Connecting the Pieces

When starting a puzzle I always start with the border because it frames the puzzle and gives you an idea of the location of the remaining pieces. But after that, where do you start? Do you add to the border pieces or pick a big section of the puzzle? Do you look for specific colors?ContinueContinue reading “Connecting the Pieces”

Put your Joe on

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase ‘Put your Joe on’ or ‘Be like Joe’. As a Pilates instructor it’s a good reminder that even though I’m female, Joseph Pilates was a man’s man meaning he boxed, he had good physique, and he created Pilates for men. But it’s no secret that Pilates is dominated byContinueContinue reading “Put your Joe on”

I love Pilates and Yarn

I love doing Pilates and teaching Pilates. I also love crochet and sometimes knitting too. I recently embarked on a big crochet project for a friend where I was making small animals with a very small hook. The work was not very ergonomic and the animals required a lot of tension on the yarn. AfterContinueContinue reading “I love Pilates and Yarn”

The Importance of Self Practice

How often do you practice Pilates as an instructor? How often do you take classes or private lessons? I know how busy we can be and how little we might feel like practicing. But I also know if I don’t have someone helping me and correcting me I’ll go back to my bad habits. I’mContinueContinue reading “The Importance of Self Practice”